I am using IceWarp Server 11.1.x or lower, how do I move or migrate IceWarp to a new server?
Posted by Dayan D. Jeremiah, Last modified by Dayan D. Jeremiah on 16 April 2015 08:26 AM
NOTE : This best practice article is for IceWarp Server Version 11.1.x and below . If you are using IceWarp Server Version 11.2 or higher please use the NEW IceWarp to IceWarp Migration Utility. Before moving or migrating your IceWarp installation to a new server please ensure that both the old and new server are running the SAME version of IceWarp. The old server and new servers versions must be the same to ensure the configuration and data is in the same format. If you want to move from an older version to a newer version please first renew your maintenance and upgrade the server before moving it. The following steps outline the process of moving your IceWarp Server to a new server;
Before you start you should have the following information ready;
STEP 1 - BACKUP YOUR CONFIGURATION To backup your configuration use the Backup Settings option in the File menu; File > Backup Settings... . The conguration is packed into a ZIP archive. The backup will create a backup of the servers configuration, user settings and domain settings. It will NOT backup databases or any other data. WARNING : DO NOT save the Backup file into the \config folder. The backup is a compressed \config folder and it would cause a looping effect which would affect the mail servers functionality. STEP 2 - BACKUP ALL MESSAGES AND DATABASES All user folders and emails are stored in global default location specified in Storage > Directories > Mail path: . Some domains or users however may have different storage locations and this would be defined within the Domain's Option > Folder: or mailbox Options > Mailbox path: . You should backup all of these folders. Database Backup Your system may be using a database for Accounts, GroupWare, Anti-Spam, Directory Cache, WebClient, Active Sync, Mail Log Analyzer and Anti-Spam Reports. You will need to know what type of database is being used and where it is stored. You can confirm the storage type and location for each of these modules from the management console;
Once you have confirmed the database storage type and location backup the databases as they must also be moved and restored to the new server. STEP 3 - INSTALL ICEWARP ON THE NEW SERVER Download and install onto your new server the latest version of IceWarp Server or download the same version of IceWarp as your current server if you are not upgrading the version. STEP 4 - RESTORE YOUR CONFIGURATION ON THE NEW SERVER Use the File > Restore settings... option to restore your configuration from the ZIP archive created in STEP 1. You may get a License warning stating "Reference Key Mismatch" after you restore your configuration, do not worry as we will fix this in the next step. STEP 5 - RETRIEVE YOUR LICENSE FOR THE NEW SERVER Your new server should have internet access for you to complete the online license activation process. Your new server installation will have a new server reference key (it is machine specific). You now need to reactivate your license on the new server. Have your order id ready and go to Help > License... > [Activate License...] . Enter your order id in the Order ID box and click [Activate License] The online license activation process will remove all records of your old server and replace it with the new in IceWarp's central license management. If you receive any errors when trying to activate your license online please contact our Technical Support Department for assistance. STEP 6 - RESTORE ALL MESSAGES AND DATABASES ON THE NEW SERVER Copy the mail folders you backed-up in STEP 2 to the same directory on the new server. You can also copy the mail folders to a new directory but you would then need to update the global storage location setting in Storage > Directories > Mail path: . Restore the databases you backed-up in STEP 2 to their same storage locations. If you are also using a central database server then install the necessary MySQL or ODBC drivers on the new server to re-establish the connection to the central database. You are done! your server should now be fully migrated. There may still be some items that you would need to move from the old server to the new like 3rd party tools, websites, customisation's and logo files. If you have any questions please contact our Support Department for assistance. | |